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Upgrading ESLint and TypeScript setup

Harminder Virk

In this post, we will upgrade the tooling config of an AdonisJS application to use the latest version of ESLint, move to the maintained fork of ts-node, and update the prettier config to format Edge templates.

Upgrading to ESLint 9.0

Let's start by upgrading the ESLint setup to use the latest version of ESLint, ie 9.x.x. This major release of ESLint resulted in a massive breaking change in almost every corner of the ecosystem. It includes:

  • Using a JavaScript or a TypeScript-based config file. The ESLint rules from the package.json file are no longer respected.
  • Plugins must be imported and registered explicitly. String-based plugin identifiers no longer work.
  • You cannot extend configs using the extend property.
  • Many of the stylistic rules have been removed. Fortunately, we can get them back using the ESLint Stylistic project.
  • The resolution logic of rules, files, and plugins inside the config has been revamped under the project name Flat config.
  • Usage of the eslintignore file is discouraged. It is recommended to ignore files via the config blocks.

If you use our preset for the ESLint config (i.e., @adonisjs/eslint-config package), then upgrading to ESLint 9.0 will be smooth.

Start by upgrading the eslint package and then the @adonisjs/eslint-config package. Make sure to do it in two steps. Otherwise, you might encounter some peer dependency errors.

# First upgrade eslint
npm i -D eslint@^9
# Then upgrade the config preset
npm i -D @adonisjs/eslint-config@latest

Once you have upgraded the dependencies, you must create the eslint.config.js in the root of your application and copy/paste the following contents inside it.

import { configApp } from '@adonisjs/eslint-config'
export default configApp()

Finally, you must remove the old config from the package.json file.

"eslintConfig": {
"extends": "@adonisjs/eslint-config/app"

Run the npm run lint command to test the new setup. Feel free to join the Discord server and ask for help, or create a new discussion thread on GitHub

Upgrading to the latest preset of Prettier

This one is simple. We have updated our Prettier preset to include the prettier-plugin-edgejs by default. Therefore, upgrading it to the latest version will auto-format the Edge templates using Prettier.

npm i -D @adonisjs/prettier-config@latest

Feel free to report any rough edges with the Edge plugin for prettier on the GitHub repo.

Upgrading to the maintained fork of ts-node

TSNode is a fantastic project. It is the only TypeScript JIT compiler that is 100% compatible with the Node.js ESM implementation. Therefore, we have been using it despite the other popular alternatives like TSX.

However, the activity level on TSNode has dropped, and many critical PRs remain unattended.

Therefore, we have decided to fork ts-node under a new name called ts-node-maintained. We aim to apply critical bug fixes without changing the architecture or direction of the project. Once the authors of TSNode decide to become active, we will be happy to merge our changes back to the source.

Start by uninstalling ts-node and installing ts-node-maintained instead. Also, upgrade the @adonisjs/assembler package to its latest version.

npm uninstall ts-node
npm i -D ts-node-maintained @adonisjs/assembler@latest

Update the ace.js file with the following changes.

import { register } from 'node:module'
register('ts-node/esm', import.meta.url)
import 'ts-node-maintained/register/esm'
// end

That’s all! Now, you can be in Zen mode as you are using the latest version of ESLint, and you do not have to see deprecation warnings coming from TSNode.