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AdonisJs has first-class session support with a variety of inbuilt drivers to efficiently manage and store sessions.

In this guide, we learn how to configure and use these different session drivers.


If the session provider is not already set up, follow the instructions below.

First, run the adonis command to download the session provider:

> adonis install @adonisjs/session

The above command also creates the config/session.js file and displays a small set of instructions to help complete your set up.

Next, register the session provider inside the start/app.js file:

const providers = [

Finally, register the session middleware inside the start/kernel.js file:

const globalMiddleware = [

Supported drivers

Below is the list of drivers supported by the session provider. You can change the current driver inside the config/session.js file.

The Redis driver requires the @adonisjs/redis package (see the Redis section for installation instructions).
Name Config key Description



Saves session values in encrypted cookies.



Saves session values in a file on a server (should not be used if you are running AdonisJs on multiple servers and behind a load balancer).



Save in Redis (ideal for scaling horizontally).

Basic example

The session object is passed as part of the HTTP Context, just like the request and response objects.

Here’s a quick example of how to use sessions during the HTTP lifecycle:

Route.get('/', ({ session, response }) => {
  session.put('username', 'virk')

Route.get('/username', ({ session }) => {
  return session.get('username') // 'virk'

Session methods

Below is a list of all session methods and their example usages.

put(key, value)

Add a key/value pair to the session store:

session.put('username', 'virk')

get(key, [defaultValue])

Return the value for a given key (accepts an optional default value):


// default value
session.get('username', 'defaultName')


Get everything back as an object from the session store:


increment(key, [steps])

Increment the value for a given key (ensure the previous value is a number):


// increment by 5
session.increment('counter', 5)

decrement(key, [steps])

Decrement the value for a given key (ensure the previous value is a number):


// decrement by 2
session.decrement('counter', 2)


Remove a key/value pair from the session store:


pull(key, [defaultValue])

Return (and then remove) a key/value pair from the session store:

const username = session.pull('username') // returns username

session.get('username') // null


Empty the session store:


Flash messages

Flash messages are short-lived session values for a single request only. They are mainly used to flash form errors, but can be used for any other purpose.

HTML form example

Let’s say we want to validate submitted user data and redirect back to our form if there are validation errors.

Start with the following HTML form:

<form method="POST" action="/users">
  {{ csrfField() }}
  <input type="text" name="username" />
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Then, register the /users route to validate form data:

const { validate } = use('Validator')'users', ({ request, session, response }) => {
  const rules = { username: 'required' }
  const validation = await validate(request.all(), rules)

  if (validation.fails()) {
    return response.redirect('back')

  return 'Validation passed'

Finally, rewrite the HTML form to retrieve flash data using view helpers:

<form method="POST" action="/users">
  {{ csrfField() }}
  <input type="text" name="username" value="{{ old('username', '') }}" />
  {{ getErrorFor('username') }}
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Flash methods

Below is a list of all session flash methods and their example usages.


Flash the request form data:



Flash only the selected fields:

session.flashOnly(['username', 'email'])


Flash the request form data except the selected fields:

session.flashExcept(['password', 'csrf_token'])


Flash with an array of errors:

  .withErrors([{ field: 'username', message: 'Error message' }])


Flash a custom object:

session.flash({ notification: 'You have been redirected back' })

View helpers

When using flash messages, you can use the following view helpers to read values from the flash session store.

old(key, defaultValue)

Returns the value for a given key from the flash store:

<input type="text" name="username" value="{{ old('username', '') }}" />


Returns true if there is an error for a given field inside the flash store:

  .withErrors({ username: 'Username is required' })
  // display error


Returns the error message for a given field:

  .withErrors({ username: 'Username is required' })

flashMessage(key, defaultValue)

Returns the flash message for a given key:

session.flash({ notification: 'Update successful!' })
  <span>{{ flashMessage('notification') }}</span>

Session persistence

Session values are persisted in bulk when the request ends. This keeps the request/response performant since you can mutate the session store as many times as you want and a bulk update is only performed at the end.

It is achieved via AdonisJs middleware (see the implementation here).

However, there is a caveat. If an exception is thrown, the middleware layer breaks and session values are never committed.

AdonisJs first-party packages handle this gracefully, but you should commit the session manually if you are handling exceptions of your own:

const GE = require('@adonisjs/generic-exceptions')

class MyCustomException extends GE.LogicalException {
  handle (error, { session }) {
    await session.commit()
    // handle exception